Entering Into the Third Trimester

Hellooo third trimester!

I cannot believe we’re officially into the “home stretch” to meeting the love of our lives! So surreal. I feel like we still have so much further to go, but when I look back, I’m like, “Wow! That sure did go by quick! It feels like we just found out we were pregnant.”

How’s baby doing?

This week, he is measuring right around 15 inches and weighed 2.75 lbs at our doctors appointment on Tuesday.. he’s almost 3 lbs! WOW! The doctor said he everything is looking great for baby and me and I couldn’t be more thankful. I thank our God every day and I just continue to pray that the rest of the pregnancy goes smoothly.

All of his finishing touches – hair and eye lashes – have a few more weeks to continue developing. He can now open his eyes even though his vision is still blurry. He’ll be gaining about 0.5 lbs per week until birth (he’s going to start getting crowded in there!). At our appointment on Tuesday, he was head down and hopefully he’ll stay that way until birth so we don’t risk him being breached.

Our doctor has also recommended tracking his movements, so they gave me a little chart to do so. He has been moving like crazy! I just love feeling those little baby kicks.

How’s mama feeling?

I honestly can’t complain! I feel pretty good! The only time I start feeling really bad is when I don’t have enough water, sleep or am starting to get hungry (or should I say hangry!). I’m trying to stay active, but that’s getting harder and harder to do. There’s definitely no more running in my foreseeable future! Ha! I’ve been going on walks and attending my Cyclebar class for exercise. I have had a bit of trouble sleeping here recently.. ever heard of restless leg syndrome!? It’s the WORST and has been making it hard for me to fall asleep at night.

And Dad?

Luke has been putting together alll of the baby stuff and I think that’s getting him more and more excited to meet our son in a few short months! I’m so grateful to have Luke by my side during all of this. Couldn’t imagine it without him. He’ll be the greatest daddy!

Love you guys!



Born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee, Laura Elizabeth is your quintessential Southern Belle. Laura explores all avenues of the beauty and fashion industry with a megawatt smile and sunny disposition. Recently welcoming their son, Liam, in 2020, Laura takes her followers along for her adventures in parenting and life as a new mom.

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