Night time routine to feel in control

1. Family time. This can be my hubby and I taking Lacie on a walk around the neighborhood, watching a movie or our latest Netflix TV show, Luke doing his homework and I working on the blog. Anything as long as we’re together 🙂

2. Make my lunch. I make my lunch and take it to work every single day. It’s so much more healthy and it’s cheaper.

3. Organize/clean up the house. Nothing makes me in a bigger tizzy than when I wake up in the morning, rush out the door for work, and the house is a mess! I have a much better day at work knowing that I’ll come home to an organized, clean home.

4. I have always shower before bed. I feel like you’re either a night time or a morning showerer! Lol!

5. Take my makeup off (I cannot remember the last time I feel asleep with it on), wash my face and lather my face and body in lotion! I’ve linked my products below. I don’t know why, but I have always loooved being extra moisturized before bed.

6. I have always been told not to check my phone before bed.. but hey I do it anyways! However, I do turn the “night shift” on. Pretending this makes it ok.

7. Turn on my sleep machine (I cannot fall asleep without it!!) and say my nightly prayers 🙂

8. Finally, I give my hubs and pup a big ole good night kiss and tell them I love them! Luke and I vowed to one another that we’d never go to bed angry. It just isn’t worth it. If we’ve been in an argument that day and are still frustrated with one another, we will talk it out and come to an agreement or simply “agree to disagree” before falling asleep.

Sweet dreams,

Laura Elizabeth


Born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee, Laura Elizabeth is your quintessential Southern Belle. Laura explores all avenues of the beauty and fashion industry with a megawatt smile and sunny disposition. Recently welcoming their son, Liam, in 2020, Laura takes her followers along for her adventures in parenting and life as a new mom.

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Black Friday and the weekend was full of great sales, but they are not over quite yet! Cyber Monday sales have OFFICIALLY arrived!! Continue checking my website for updates on the sales! Shop my outfit here.  xoxo, Happy Shopping! TARGET: Up to 50% off bedding,…