Your “Gorilla”. Cast Your Worry on Him.

Sometimes it’s difficult to face your “gorilla”, but sometimes it’s even more difficult to identify your “gorilla”.

Your gorilla can be anxiety, codependency, an eating disorder, worry, porn, being a perfectionist, alcohol, etc. It can be anything under the sun. Anything that you dwell on or cannot seem to get away from.

We tend to tell ourselves.. “Oh it’s ok! I have my gorilla on a “leash”! I have complete control over my gorilla.” When in reality, our gorilla has us on a leash. Our lives can revolve around our gorilla. At this point, I challenge us to identify what is keeping us back from our best selves and what’s getting in the way of our relationship with God. At this point, we must cast our worry and anxiety on Him.

Two small examples:

When someone hurts my feels or comments something rude, I dwell on that. I get so many kind and encouraging words every day from my sweet followers and friends, but one negative comment can ruin my day.

I can be thriving at my 8-5 job, thriving at this blog/influencer stuff, but one set back at work, one mistake I made, or one photo that doesn’t get enough engagement, I dwell on it.

Does that comment, or that one mistake, or that one pictures analytics really hold more value than when Jesus shed his blood on the cross for us? We have to be strong in our identity.

“Come to Me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” – Matthew 11:28-30



Laura Elizabeth

Born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee, Laura Elizabeth is your quintessential Southern Belle. Laura explores all avenues of the beauty and fashion industry with a megawatt smile and sunny disposition. Recently welcoming their son, Liam, in 2020, Laura takes her followers along for her adventures in parenting and life as a new mom.

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