You’ve got to experience the “lows” to appreciate the “highs”

Happy Monday!

My friend Bailey and I were talking about a rough day I had at work and she told me, “You’ve got to experience the ‘lows’ in order to appreciate the ‘highs’.” This is relevant in our every day lives whether it’s your job, fitness journey, school, etc.

This also reminded me of rainy, cold days. If every single day were sunny and 70, it would become the norm and we wouldn’t appreciate these perfect days.

Work life: Everyone experiences a “low” day in their work life every once in a while. I know I do! These low days can be either slow, draaggiinnggg day or maybe your manager didn’t agree with your idea you were proud to present to them? You could be overwhelmed with deadlines? You could feel stuck? Or that you don’t see a solid career path where you are?

Other days, you can feel on fire! Sometimes I have days where everything just seems to GO RIGHT. I feel like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, I see a clear career path, I feel like my work is appreciated, etc. If I felt “on fire” every single day, it wouldn’t be near as meaningful.

Fitness Journey: This is a big one for me. My “lows” in my fitness journey occur when my goals feel out of reach. For those of you that don’t know, fitness has always been a huge part of my life. I grew up playing every sport under the sun (soccer, basketball, track, swimming, softball, tennis) and even played D1 soccer at Vanderbilt University for a while in college. You can find my “Fitness + Nutrition” blog post here.

For example, I am actively trying to lose the 10-15 pounds I gained after our wedding. Disclaimer: weight carries differently on each person so DO NOT COMPARE. My healthy weight might be 125lbs, but for someone else, 160lbs might be the healthy weight. I feel stuck because I’ve plateaued at 133lbs for some reason? Such a random weight!!

The “high” – I will work extra hard during the week (workout, eat right, no alcohol) and get down to 130lbs let’s say.. and feel great.. only 5lbs to go!! Then, the “low” hits.. I have a few extra drinks & calories over the weekend then I’m back to where I started on Monday morning.. 133lbs & feeling crummy. This low feeling after a fun, calorie-filled weekend helps me appreciate how GREAT my mind and body feel after a week of activity and healthy eating. I’m not saying I need to never have a cheat meal or alcoholic beverage again, I just need to keep it within moderation and not over-eat on the weekends.

Key takeaway: Don’t stress or feel upset over the “low” moments in life. These moments shape you into who you are. These moments also help you realize and appreciate the “high” moments in life. Don’t take these “low” days for granted and appreciate all moments.

How are you going to appreciate your “high” AND “low” moments this week?


Laura Elizabeth


Polka Dot Romper can be found here and here (different style, same material/pattern) – use code LAURA20 for 20% off

Born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee, Laura Elizabeth is your quintessential Southern Belle. Laura explores all avenues of the beauty and fashion industry with a megawatt smile and sunny disposition. Recently welcoming their son, Liam, in 2020, Laura takes her followers along for her adventures in parenting and life as a new mom.

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